Database testing was predominately carried out using Actual Technologies ODBC drivers. I've found these drivers to be easy to use, rock solid in operation and reasonably priced. I have only tested System DSNs (defined via the 'ODBC Manager' application) because thus far I've been unable to get the sandboxed version of MTP (see below) to recognize User DSNs.

The following notes outline which databases MTP has been tested against and the issues and conditions that I�ve found to be true.

MySQL 5.6.16     ODBC Driver : Actual Technologies Open Source Databases 3.2.3

For local databases :     Specify instead of localhost in the �Server� field of the ODBC DSN. This will force networking instead of the use of sockets.
For remote databases : Sockets are not used

PostgreSQL    ODBC Driver : Actual Technologies Open Source Databases 3.2.3

No issues.

SQLite 3     ODBC Driver : Actual Technologies Open Source Databases 3.2.3

The driver requires the location of the database/document/file that holds the SQLite data. In order for this to work (without causing sandbox violations) the file must reside in the MTP�s container (sandbox).That is, locate the file anywhere within ~/Library/Containers/com.b-bsoftware.mtp and then identify the location of the file within the ODBC DSN. See 'Known Issues' below.

SQL Server

MTP has NOT been tested against SQL Server databases. However Actual Technologies do provide a driver for this database and thus I assume that MTP should operate correctly with this database


MTP has NOT been tested against Oracle databases. However Actual Technologies do provide a driver for this database and thus I assume that MTP should operate correctly with this database


MTP has NOT been tested against Access databases. However Actual Technologies do provide a driver for this database and thus I assume that MTP should operate correctly with this database

FileMaker Pro 12    ODBC Driver : Native FileMaker ODBC driver 13.0.12

No issues


MTP has NOT been tested against Valentina databases.

MTP is a sandboxed application. Sandboxing is an Apple security technology that is required of all applications sold through the Mac App Store. The technology severely restricts the reading and writing of data outside of a system controlled environment (the application's sandbox). This in turn may impact the ODBC drivers that you may wish to use with MTP since these may attempt to access files outside of the MTP's sandbox. If you encounter any such problems these may likely be overcome by downloading a password protected, non-sandboxed version of the application by contacting the author.

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